
Eclipse Dedicated Green Energy USA, LC (EDGE Energy USA) is a Texas limited corporation with a base of operations in the Houston, Texas area and offices in Houston and Austin, Texas and partner offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. EDGE Energy USA is a green renewable energy company dedicated to the advancement of technologies and services that provide sustainable clean renewable green energy in the form of electrical power and bio-fuels. EDGE Energy USA along with its vendor partners have developed the EDGE Energy systems to provide the world with a much needed source of sustainable clean renewable green energy that releases no emissions into the environment.

The patent pending EDGE Municipal Solid Waste to Power Gasification Co-Generation System is specifically designed to process Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and convert that waste into sustainable clean green electricity and bio-fuels while releasing no emissions into the environment and our patent pending EDGE Energy Clean Coal Gasification Co-Generation System is specifically designed to process clean engineered bio-coal into clean green energy market in the form of electrical power and bio-fuels represent the latest in technological advancements in the sustainable green renewable energy markets today.

Our EDGE Energy USA power generation systems are zero emission closed systems that are 100% scalable to fit the needs of our customers. Nothing is released into the air, ground or water. In the EDGE gasification co-generation systems all emissions and the volatiles created during the gasification process are either fully consumed during the process, captured to be sold to industry, converted into syngas used in electrical generation and bio-fuel production or recycled back into the gasification reactor itself. No emissions. This technology is going to change the way the world deals with MSW and coal as fuel for electrical power generation.